
Building a masterpiece.

Self-esteem, in a nutshell, is how much you appreciate and like yourself.

It’s created by a number of complex factors, and you’ll work your whole life to build and maintain it. But you’re not the only person involved in its architecture.

Where does self-esteem come from?

Parents, teachers, friends, and others.

The important people in your life can significantly affect how you feel about yourself.

What part do others play in building self-esteem?

When they focus on what’s good about you, you feel good about yourself.
When they’re patient with you when you make mistakes, you learn to accept yourself.
When you have friends and get along, you feel liked.

But when they don’t…

As you grow, you combine how you see others and how people speak to and treat you to build how you think of yourself.

If adults scold more than they praise, it’s hard to feel good about yourself.

Bullying and mean teasing by siblings or peers can hurt self-esteem, too.

Harsh words can stick – and become part of how you think about yourself.

Luckily, your wounded feelings don’t have to stay that way.

YOU are the architect of your own self-esteem.

How can therapy help?

Together, we can retrain the voice in your own head.

The things you say to yourself play a big part in how you feel about yourself. Thinking “I’m such a failure” or “I’ll never be a good friend” hurts your self-esteem.

There are other ways to think about the same things.

“I didn’t pass the exam this time — but maybe next time.” “Maybe I can make some friends.” Now, that voice is more hopeful. It helps you feel OK.

And the things that voice says could turn out to be true.

In therapy, you can learn the difference between positive and negative self-talk and how to improve feelings of self-worth.

Together, we’ll create a safe environment, so you can learn and practice new skills in preparation for everyday interactions with others.

What will your masterpiece look like?

Reach out. Let’s hear that positive voice.

Start building your self-esteem – and the future you really want – today.